Good lord it has been forever.
I should just give up for awhile and try something which requires me to do nothing. Oh.. wait.. I'm already doing that. ^_^
I was in St. Louis over the weekend. I had a delightful time. It was a church conference, but I was able to see a lot of my family who were also there for the conference.
While there I went to some of the downtown restaurants and let me just say... they have quite the selection. Was most impressed.
The first night there I had 10th Street Italian, located well... on 10th St. IT was sooooo scrumptious. I had beef cannelloni that was out of this world. mmmhhh my mouth waters just thinking of it.
The next day I went to Crepes in the City, located on 14th & St. Charles. I had a Dehli crepe. So yummy... and I also ordered a Cubano. I had never had one before, but I had read that theirs were the best in the city, so I figured 'what the heck I like coffee. I'll try it.' It. was. fantastic. try it.

I'm not a breakfast person, but I like diner breakfasts. So for breakfast I went to 12th St. Diner. would you believe it's located on 12th St.! Seriously.
I had pancakes. I know not very adventurous, but I wanted them. I haven't a lot to say about them. They were pancakes, they were filling and very good. I guess that I ordered what I wanted and then by the time they came I had changed my mind because they didn't hit the spot.

HOWEVER. I went back for lunch/dinner later that day and I had their steak, veggies, & mashed potatoes. Oh mah gawd the mashed taters were soooooo good. I don't know how to describe them. They were like a pillow of heaven, on a plate, covered in delish gravy. After I had my first bite I wished that I had ordered just an enormous plate of those. The green beans could have been farm fresh they were so crisp and tasty and the steak... oh the steak. Mmmmhhhh... top that with potatoes and well... I could have eaten there all week. :)

My cousin's son had a burger that looked fantastic. mmmhhhh next time I say, next time.

Then late in the evening, say 12am or so, I went to Gio's. they made an exception and stayed open for a few groups of us. I had their Meatball sliders. which with the homemade meatballs and the cheese and spinach on a tiny bun were yummmo. (thanks rachel ray)

~recent song finds~
>Dominos - The Big Pink

>Fireflies - Owl City
>BulletProof - La Roux

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