above picture is from here
Tomorrow starts a new year... and needless to say I've decided not to make any resolutions - that is my resolution.
This week has started off with a giant bang -- my loverly (piece of crap) car, my baby decided to breathe its very last breath for me. I felt all sorts of pains the day I had to have it towed... by the way LOVE the fact that my pops bought AAA for me for Christmas - is a seriously useful gift for peeps like me. I did however wait for 3 hours for the tow person to show up. and the whole time I was thinking to myself 'My poor, poor baby. you poor thing.' Is it odd how attached we get to our cars?
~cars I'd like to buy~
>Mini Cooper S
>Smart Car Passion
>Toyota Corolla
I'm sure I cannot afford any of them at this point, but a girl can dream.
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Christopher Reeve, From speech at Democratic National Convention, August 1996
OMG! I found this adorable bookmark through the IshopIndie website. it's awesomelicious. I must have it for my collection.

I have discovered a hidden stash of bookmarks in random drawers around my house. it's weird how many I have. some are nice and some are just ones I picked up at the library with advertisements on them for various programs.
I was looking at this website Arbor Beading because I saw an adorable necklace titled Love Letter - it's a tiny envelope and when you open it there's a little letter that says "I love you" It's so incredibly sweet I'd actually wear it and would love it if someone gave it to me. but now it won't let me access the link so I'm posting the picture. :)

isn't that sweet?!
~necklaces that I want or would wear~
>foreign text - Russian
>red peas in a pod
>little wing pendent
>Simple Silver Guilloche Antique Pocket Watch Plate
>My secret Garden
>Wings Embrace
>my happy place
>We make a good pear
>Nikoart Owl
I best stop with the jewelry...
there's just so much gorgeous stuff out there, so many talented artists sharing their creations with the world that I continue to search as each is beautiful in its own way.
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